Why Marie Kondo is a metaphor for Wellness

Richa Kapoor- @richsoulseeker
4 min readSep 4, 2021


Between the joy of labeling my boxes and unwrapping my bamboo hangers, the image of Marie Kondo emerges. Almost like an archetype of Wellness, she appears in our domestic routines with the ease of a rehearsed brushstroke.

The idea of inviting bliss by resetting our home is a profound thought. She speaks of how we can enjoy our homes through the sheer joy of order. What strikes particularly is how we can achieve that with consciousness and respect. The act of connecting with our homes as sacred spaces can lead us to create a sanctuary we yearn for, an escape from all the chaos that surrounds us.

However, the act of decluttering runs deeper. It is a metaphor of values that determine the very essence of how we invite mindfulness into our lives.

Let us weave through a few possibilities.

Forms of energy

Instagram Richa Kapoor- @richsoulseeker

A signature feature in her shows is her ability to pray to homes and sense the energy within. The victory lies in a reset through a spiritual connection. The idea of bowing to the house is reminiscent of her spiritual association with the Shinto shrines in Japan.

If one developed a sacred relation with things at home, we could find ourselves working on our homes like peaceful shrines requiring respect through cleanliness. She quotes, “With cleaning, we can let our minds empty while our hands keep moving, but tidying requires us to think — about what to discard, what to keep, and where to put it. You could say that tidying orders the mind while cleaning purifies it.”

Thereby, the symbolic act of cleaning and arranging helps us view things requiring human attention. We all are forms of energy, requiring attention through order and cleanliness.

Medium for mental clarity

Image by Instagram-Richa Kapoor- @richsoulseeker

What could be debatable for many did its trick for me. With organization, one is aware of how much one possesses and carefully values what brings joy within. Clear spaces impact mental functioning. As quoted strongly, “A clean space is a key to maintaining positive relationships, reducing stress, and promoting overall well-being.

A sense of privilege could give us the liberty to let go, but to replace it with better is something we crave as humans. A replacement of plastic hangers with sturdier long-term wooden hangers was my way of inviting change. As we let go of possessions, we bid goodbye to the old and welcome a new possibility. The metaphor of focussing on the windshield by looking ahead while casually glancing at the rearview mirrors to avoid calamities comes through.

The idea of goal setting

Kondo walks in these homes with an open mind encouraging families to converse with her on goals regarding spaces.

In one particular episode, she urged a cafe owner to tidy her office on priority. Her office needed to be in tandem with her goals. Goal setting, which usually requires mental focus, can be worked upon in a clutter-free space, where things of joy and motivation surround you.

The key is to find a connection between physical spaces with mental clarity. Something as simple as a vertical display of files, labeled with post-its could be a visual reminder of work that needs to be completed immediately.

A modern-day example of Wellness

image by Instagram-Richa Kapoor- @richsoulseeker

The sense of connection comes through when one views Marie Kondo as a working mother, juggling home, dividing chores with her partner, striving to create a meaningful line of work. Something which many may relate to.

Her methodology could be a balm for the nerves that meet constant stimulation daily. Classic evidence of unmade decisions and postponed actions display themselves through the clutter in our homes. Emotional blocks, the feeling of ‘using it later’ and ‘but I spent so much’ could be some thoughts that come to the foray with the Konmari method.

What if we made our workspaces, homes, bank accounts, relationships with sources that only spark joy? The Konmari method could be a yes for that one person who constantly grapples with chores, work, managing the inner and outer sphere relentlessly. A debate could begin on why you cannot agree with her, but there could be at least one point to take home. The solution could be simple and something that truly sparks joy. The decision to reset our homes could lead us to reset our lives.



Richa Kapoor- @richsoulseeker

Come stay awhile as I reflect on my multi-hyphenate experiences on wellness, health, and education through a soulful eye.